


As of 28th, April, 2024: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi,there. My new life started this month. All I have to do is never giving up.

As of 23th, March, 2024: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi,there. The enthusiasm of stock market is continuing.....

As of 24th, February, 2024: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, there. These days, Nikkei225 has been increasing over the highest point of 80's. By the way, my Japanese sassets include just only 10% .

As of 31th, January, 2024: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hey guys.Since the new NISA started this year, the assets in the specified account were transferred to the new NISA account, so taxes are collected and profits are slightly reduced.To further simplify the asset tally, I have reorganized th…

2023年12月期 iシェアーズMSCIフロンティア100の配当金受領

こんにちわ、ひたすです。 オルカンかS&P500か という論争が最近の話題の中で、 あまり積立をしている人を見ないIシェアーズMSCIフロンティア100の配当金記録です。 私は毎月の投資信託積立アセットの大体15~20%前後の金額を占めるように積立をしておりま…


こんにちわ、ひたすです。 各年の総決算、アセットアロケーションの確認です。 毎月の記事は英語で書くようにしていますが、今回のこの記事は日本語での記載となります。 2022年末のアセットアロケーションはこちら。 hitasu.hatenablog.com

As of 31th, December, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hello there, This year is ending.

As of 25th, November, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hello, there. Winter season is here.

As of 28th,October, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hello, there. Winter season is coming here.

As of 24th,September, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hello, there. Hot summer season is continuing.

As of 27th,August, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hello, there. My reit assets have been decresing, so I decided to buy them( REIT of Japan, and foreign REIT) more.

As of 22th,July, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hello, there. I took the Eiken 1st grade test last Sunday. I am waiting to get the result of the test. If I pass it, I will start job changing study.

2023年6月期 iシェアーズMSCIフロンティア100の配当金受領額

こんにちわ、ひたすです。 あまり積立をしている人を見ないIシェアーズMSCIフロンティア100の配当金記録です。

As of 24th,June, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi,there, For launching, the project which I planned last year will be called up on board meeting. I have busy days,,,

As of 22th,May, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, Guys. Last week, I was assigned in new projec, therefore, my busy days started. Maybe, this project will give me good effects for new my career.

As of 22th,Apr, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, Guys. I got bit by a mosquito!! There are some mosquitoes because of hot temperature.

As of 26th,Mar, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hey, Guys. Cherryblossom are blooming. My spring is where it is ??

As of 25th,Feb, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hey, Guys. Spring will come here. These days, I think that I must practice writing my essays in English and speaking to myself. Anyway, I will talk about hte my asset!

As of 28th,Jan, 2023: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Happy new year!! How are you in this new year? I am looking forward to gettting good perforamnce reviews from my boss next March!

2022年12月期 iシェアーズMSCIフロンティア100の配当金受領額

こんにちわ、ひたすです。 先月12月に2022年12月期のiシェアーズMSCIフロンティア100の配当が入りました。


こんにちわ、ひたすです。 各年の総決算、アセットアロケーションの確認です。 毎月の記事は英語で書くようにしていますが、今回のこの記事は日本語での記載となります。

As of 31th,Dec, 2022: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, guys. For the first time in a while, I have had reflux esophagitis. I am having my stomach hurting.

As of 27th,Nov, 2022: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, guys. I caught a cold last week, so I have had a little cough.

As of 30th,Oct, 2022: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, guys, Keeping covid19 symptoms for about 1 month, I have just been recovered.

As of 1st,Oct, 2022: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, guys, I have been infected COVID19 for the last week. My condition is not good, however, my high fever was calm down 3 days ago.

As of 27th, Aug, 2022: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, guys, I am so busy that I was assigned to new project last month. Every day I have to work by 22:00~23:00 pm. It is busy work, and I have to learn new systems of finance scheme.

2022年6月期 iシェアーズMSCIフロンティア100の配当金受領額

こんにちわ、ひたすです。 今月の投資信託積立でも書きましたが、2022年6月期のiシェアーズMSCIフロンティア100の配当が入りました。

As of 24th, Jul, 2022: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi Guys, How are you today? I was so tired that I took TOEIC Test this morning. About my impression of the test, I will write here these days

As of 26th, Jun, 2022: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Dear Guys, How are you today? I'm not fine, because there is very hot. I'm from Hokkaido, which is coldest area in Japan, hence, my weak point is hot temperature..

As of 22th, May, 2022: My market value ( Investment trust + ETF)

Hi, I am Hitasu. I have worked hard because of my project. Hence, I'll explain this article briefly.